Emotional Intelligence Certified Professional


Course Description

Emotional Intelligence Certified Professional is a globally  recognized Emotional Intelligence...

Emotional Intelligence Certified Professional is a globally  recognized Emotional Intelligence Certification Course.

The EICP® is designed for participants to experience the core competencies of Emotional Intelligence, using the Six Seconds Model as a lead model and cascading into other potent available models. At the end of the program, they are expected to walk away with an in-depth understanding of Emotional intelligence.

Your holistic performance would be empowered as you develop your own Emotional Intelligence which would improve your results in task and people based performance. While we would expose you to several tools, the most important tool is YOU.

Vision: The Vision of EICP® is to produce leaders who would use the potency of Emotional Intelligence to make their world and the world around them a better place.

In this course you will…

  • Empower your own emotional intelligence.
  • Understand the powerful “Know Yourself, Choose Yourself, Give Yourself” model and approach to increasing and applying EQ in addition to other globally accepted models.
  • Imbibe techniques to increase your holistic performance (personal, team and organizational)
  • Review the latest research on the brain, emotions and performance.
  • Take home dozens of proven EQ exercises and learning tools that you can use yourself, in your teams, with family and friends, and in your work with individuals and small groups.
  • Experience the Pause Factory learning methodology

At Pause Factory, we believe that the first step to becoming an Emotional Intelligence Practitioner is to begin with yourself as an Emotional Intelligence Professional because you cannot perform beyond installed capacity and more importantly you cannot give the capacity you don’t sustain; hence “Emotional Intelligence Certified Professional”.

Register for this program if:

  • You know you can achieve more in work/life but you find it difficult to do what is required of you
  • Your work, results and achievements are being undermined by your aggressive communication style, anger issues and other forms of emotional weaknesses.
  • You are kind hearted and find it difficult to stand your ground and say no when it is required resulting in poor performance and results
  • You are considered an achiever but find it difficult to relate with certain types of people in your work/life and this is affecting some important aspect of your life and results at work
  • You are highly driven but cannot really resist expressing some emotions that are toxic for workplace and relationships
  • You have identified a consistent pattern of unpleasant emotions that are affecting your results, relationships and health
  • You need to empower your ability to choose the life style that is healthy for your well being
  • You work or live in a toxic environment and require strength to overcome the negativity in that environment

This program is a combination of  6 online modules and 6 webinars. After registration, you and your instructor will schedule mutually convenient webinars days and time.

At the end of this program you will become

  • An  Emotional intelligence Certified Professional
  • Get a globally recognized certificate
  • Get your EICP Badge and emblem to use in your documents and
  • More importantly join a beautiful community of EICPs.

To take this course, click "take this course" at the top of the page.

About the Author

Enahoro Okhae
  • 4.9 Author Rating
  • 10 Reviews
  • 48 Students
  • 5 Courses

Enahoro Okhae

Enahoro Okhae is the Managing Director of Pause Factory (West African Partner to 6 Seconds Emotional Intelligence Network (USA).

He is also the Co-Founder of GlobalCerts and Strategy; (A Nigerian Delivery Partner for The KPI Institute Australia.) and the founder of Simeon’s Pivot Resources; a leading Human Resource and Management Consulting Firm whose focus is on Performance Improvement.

Enahoro presently serves as President of The Life Coaches Association of Nigeria.

Enahoro sustains an unwavering commitment to magnifying man’s limited efforts in today’s workplace, business and life. His major goal is to help individuals and organizations get the most out of themselves and help them get to their destination irrespective of where they are.  He consistently achieves this goal through Life/Business Coaching, Training Organizational Restructuring, Strategic Planning, Change Management, Scenario Planning, and other Human Resource Solutions.

Academics, Certification: and Associations

  • Certified Management Consulting by the Institute of management Consultant
  • Fellow of the Institute of Management Consulting
  • Certified John Maxwell Leadership Trainer
  • Certified Life Coach
  • Licensed and Certified Emotional Intelligence Practitioner by 6 Seconds Emotional Intelligence Network, America
  • Certified EQ Assessor by 6 Seconds Emotional Intelligence Network, America
  • Certified Vital Sign Consultant by 6 Seconds Emotional Intelligence Network, America
  • Certified KPI Professional (The KPI Institute Australia)
  • Certified KPI Practitioner (The KPI Institute Australia)
  • Lagos Network Leader for 6 Seconds Emotional Intelligence Network, America
  • Member; International Society for Emotional Intelligence
  • Member; Nigeria Institute for Training and Development (NITAD)
  • Vice President; Life Coaches Association of Nigeria (LCAN)
  • Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner
  • Master Degree in Business Administration from the prestigious Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife where he specialized in Human Resource Management.
  • Accounting from Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago Iwoye
  • Extra Value Professional from Harvard Associates.

Enahoro is a Faculty member of the following organizations

  • KPI Institute Australia
  • Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence Network; USA
  • Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN)
  • Nigerian Employers Consultative Forum (NECA)
  • Industrial Training Fund (ITF)
  • Several Consulting Companies
Price₦ 400,000.00
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